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Results of the 2024 Annual Shareholders Meeting Auckland, 28 November 2024 - Steel & Tube advises that all resolutions put to its Annual Shareholder Meeting held in Auckland and online today were passed by shareholders. The final results of the voting poll are in the attached document. The following resolutions were passed: - That the directors be authorised to fix the fees and expenses of KPMG as the company’s auditor. -That Susan Paterson, who retires by rotation and is eligible for re-election, be re-elected as a director of the company. -That Karen Jordan, who retires by rotation and is eligible for re-election, be re-elected as a director of the company. ENDS For further information please contact: Mark Malpass Steel & Tube CEO Tel: +64 27 777 0327 Email: mark.malpass@steelandtube.co.nz Richard Smyth Steel & Tube CFO Tel: +64 21 646 822 Email: Richard.smyth@steelandtube.co.nz