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Announcement of New Director

18/12/18, 1:36 am, ADMIN

Appointment of additional Independent Director Just Water International Limited's (JWI) Board of Directors is pleased to announce the appointment of Steve Bootten as an Independent Non-Executive Director of JWI, effective 1 January 2019. Steve has had over 30 years' experience in finance and management positions in large and medium sized corporates within New Zealand and Australia, and across a range of sectors including FMCG, manufacturing, and aviation. Steve's experience includes CEO of Robin Hood Ltd, a New Zealand manufacturer and distributor of ventilation and laundry products and lead the successful turnaround of the organisation during his tenure. He is an experienced Director having served as a director or trustee across a range of organisations and industries; including NZX listed companies, private companies, public sector organisations and community organisations. Steve currently holds several directorships in companies within the technology, manufacturing and property sectors and has community and not for profit involvements. Steve is a member of the New Zealand Institute of Directors (MInstD), an Associate Member of the New Zealand Society of Accountants (ACA), and a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (ACIS). On behalf of the directors, Hilary Poole Chair End CA:00328597 For:JWI Type:ADMIN Time:2018-12-18 14:36:36