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Methven Limited (NZX: MVN)- High Court approves Scheme of A

27/03/19, 3:26 am, TRANSACT

Methven Limited (NZX: MVN)- High Court approves Scheme of Arrangement Methven Limited (NZX: MVN, "Methven") is pleased to advise that the High Court today approved the Scheme of Arrangement (the "Scheme"), which will see GWA Group Limited acquire all of the shares in Methven through its subsidiary GWAIL (NZ) Limited. The Directors declared a gross interim dividend of 4.69 cents per share including an imputation of 14.7% which will be paid on 10 April 2019. The Record date will be 3 April 2019. Distribution Notice attached. Please see attached for details. End CA:00332565 For:MVN Type:TRANSACT Time:2019-03-27 16:26:02