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Annual Meeting Speeches and Presentation

28/10/20, 2:27 am, MEETING

TIL Logistics Group Limited is today holding its 2020 Annual Shareholders' Meeting (ASM) in New Plymouth. Attached are: - Chairman and CEO's address - ASM presentation Included in the speeches is a trading update and financial performance for the first quarter of the FY21 financial year. Group revenue for the first quarter was in line with the same quarter in the prior year, despite the impact of COVID restrictions in Auckland in August. Group EBITDA has increased ahead of the same time last year, with all divisions, apart from the small International division, delivering results ahead of the prior comparative period. In part, this reflects pent up demand and the recommencement of deferred projects since lockdown. The company has confirmed its earlier guidance of FY21 forecast EBITDA to be at least that of the FY20 post IFRS-16 result of $57.4m. Further details are provided in the attached material and presentation. A live recording of the meeting will be broadcast on https://vimeo.com/event/315196. ENDS End CA:00362163 For:TLL Type:MEETING Time:2020-10-28 15:27:37