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Pro-Rata Redemption Of Units Update

28/12/20, 7:31 pm, GENERAL

The Senior Trust Retirement Village Listed Fund ("the Fund") previously advised that Senior Trust Management Limited ("the Manager") is able to redeem units in the Fund concluding on (or before) 11 March 2021 ("the Maturity Date"). The Manager also notified the market that, on or about 5th January 2021, it intends to redeem further units in the Fund. The Manager can now advise that the Fund intends to undertake further pro-rata redemption of units and delist after the final redemption (subject to NZ RegCo approval). The Manager will provide further updates when exact dates are known but at this stage we consider that the final redemption will occur prior to the Maturity Date. End CA:00365704 For:SRF Type:GENERAL Time:2020-12-29 08:31:06