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FMA charges relating to trading in shares in Pushpay...

9/02/2022, 09:15 NZDT, GENERAL

FMA charges relating to trading in shares in Pushpay Holdings Limited Auckland, New Zealand | Redmond, Washington; Colorado Springs, Colorado; Plano, Texas, US - 9 February 2022 (NZT) Pushpay Holdings Limited (NZSX:PPH, ASX:PPH, 'Pushpay' or 'the Company') notifies that the Financial Markets Authority (FMA) has filed proceedings against two individuals relating to insider trading in shares in the Company. The matters relate to alleged events in 2018. The individuals have been granted interim name suppression until the first court appearance. Pushpay's conduct has not been the subject of the investigation and it is not a party to any FMA proceedings. The Company has cooperated with the FMA during its investigation. Pushpay Chairman, Graham Shaw says that the Company supports the FMA's commitment to the integrity of the capital markets in New Zealand, and notes that at all relevant times Pushpay had in place and continues to have in place robust policies, procedures and training in relation to share trading in Pushpay shares. "We take seriously our responsibilities as a listed company, and our values, ethics and integrity as a company are at the heart of our business practices." Pushpay Chief Executive Officer, Molly Matthews states that, "Pushpay has in place robust policies, procedures and training in relation to share trading in Pushpay shares. As a listed company we take our market responsibilities seriously and seek to ensure that all of our teams and individuals are aware of and understand their obligations under insider trading laws." As the matter is before the courts, the Company will be making no further comment on the FMA's proceedings. Questions on this matter should be addressed to the FMA. Contact gj@thompsonlewis.co.nz P: +64 21 392 571 This announcement is authorised by Graham Shaw (Chairman) and Molly Matthews (Chief Executive Officer) of Pushpay Holdings Limited. About Pushpay Pushpay provides a donor management system, including donor tools, finance tools and a custom community app, a church management system (ChMS), and video streaming solutions to the faith sector, non-profit organisations and education providers located predominantly in the United States (US) and other jurisdictions. Our leading solutions simplify engagement, payments and administration, enabling our Customers to increase participation and build stronger relationships with their communities. Church Community Builder and Resi Media LLC (Resi) are subsidiaries of Pushpay Holdings Limited. Church Community Builder provides a Software as a Service (SaaS) church management system that churches use to connect and communicate with their community members, record member service history, track online giving and perform a range of administrative functions. Resi is a high growth SaaS company that provides end-to-end live video streaming solutions enabled by hardware products predominantly to the faith sector, whilst also servicing commercial, nonprofit organisations and education providers in the US. Pushpay is an award-winning company. For more information visit www.pushpay.com/investors/awards. ENDS End CA:00386968 For:PPH Type:GENERAL Time:2022-02-09 09:15:35