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RLA Polymers Acquisition Complete & Cleansing Statement

1/04/22, 3:27 am, GENERAL

ASX RELEASE 1 April 2022 RLA Polymers NZ Ltd Acquisition Complete & Cleansing Statement DGL Group Limited (ASX:DGL) (NZX:DGC), is pleased to announce that it has completed the acquisition of RLA Polymers NZ Ltd (RLA), previously announced on 10 March 2022. As part of the acquisition, DGL has today issued 363,924 fully paid ordinary shares to the vendors of RLA, for 2.93 per share, as part consideration. The shares are subject to 12-months escrow from date of issue. A further cash payment of $3.45mil has been made to complete the acquisition. An Appendix 2A for the issue of the above shares follows this announcement. Notice Under Section 708A The Company gives notice relating to the issue of securities as identified below. The above-mentioned shares were issued without disclosure to investors under Part 6D.2, in reliance on section 708A (5) of the Corporations Act. The Company, as at the date of this notice, has complied with the provisions of Chapter 2M of the Corporations Act as they apply to the Company and section 674 of the Corporations Act. At the date of this notice, there is no information that is excluded information within the meaning of Section 708A (7) and 708A (8) of the Corporations Act and the Company has complied with the relevant provisions of Chapter 2M. - ENDS - Approved for release by the Board of DGL. CONTACT Barbara Furci DGL Group Limited +64 9 309 9254 or barbara.furci@dglgroup.com End CA:00389957 For:DGC Type:GENERAL Time:2022-04-01 16:27:44