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Turners launches employee share scheme

11/08/22, 8:30 pm, GENERAL

Company Announcement 12 August 2022 Turners launches employee share scheme Turners has partnered with online investment platform Sharesies to launch an employee share scheme. The scheme provides the opportunity for permanent (part-time and full-time) employees of the business to invest $1,000 and receive $1,500 worth of shares at the completion of a 3 year vesting period. In order to encourage broad participation the company is also offering a three year interest free loan to acquire the shares to all staff. Turners' Chairman Grant Baker said "Engagement of our team has been a key focus for a number of years. We've already seen major improvements, and this is another initiative to further engage our team. We believe incentivising employee share ownership is an important part of aligning the interests of our team and shareholders. It is also another core benefit we can offer people as a locally owned NZX listed business. " The company have worked with Sharesies to ensure that our team can easily access, see and track the value of their shares. Turners envisage issuing shares under this initial launch of the scheme on 24 August 2022. ENDS About Turners Turners Automotive Group Limited is an integrated financial services group, primarily operating in the automotive sector www.turnersautogroup.co.nz For further information, please contact: Aaron Saunders, Group Chief Financial officer, Turners Automotive Group Limited, Mob: 027 493 8794 Todd Hunter, Group Chief Executive Officer, Turners Automotive Group Limited, Mob: 021 722 818 End CA:00396826 For:TRA Type:GENERAL Time:2022-08-12 08:30:44