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EVO Special Meeting results

15/09/22, 2:09 am, MEETING

Evolve Education Group Limited (NZX/ASX: EVO) wishes to advice that the following resolution was passed at the Special Meeting of Shareholders held today. Resolution: That the shareholders of Evolve Education Group Limited (Evolve) ratify, confirm and approve for all purposes, including for the purposes of both Rule 5.1.1(a) and (b) of the NZX Listing Rules, the sale of 100% of the shares in Lollipops Educare Centres Limited under a share sale agreement dated 29 August 2022 between Shine BidCo Limited, Lollipops Educare Holdings Limited and Evolve Early Education Pty Limited, wholly owned subsidiaries of Evolve (the Transaction), as described in more detail in the Explanatory Statement and accompanying materials, and to authorise the directors of Evolve to take all actions, do all things and execute all documents and agreements necessary or considered by them to be necessary or expedient to give effect to the Transaction. For enquiries, please contact: Edmund Mah CFO/ Company Secretary E-mail: edmund.mah@eeg.co.nz End CA:00398888 For:EVO Type:MEETING Time:2022-09-15 14:09:13