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Vital and St John Ambulance Sign Extension out to 2027

3/07/2023, 11:33 NZST, MKTUPDTE

3 July 2023 Vital and St John Ambulance Sign Two-Year Contract Extension out to 2027. The Board and Management of Vital Limited (VTL) wish to advise shareholders that the company's existing contract with St John Ambulance has been extended for an additional two years. The current contract is due to expire in March 2025 from which time the two-year renewal period will take effect. From March 2027 St John will have an option for a further two-year right of renewal through to March 2029. Commenting on the renewal, Vital Chief Executive Officer, Jason Bull, says: "This is an important development for the company in the context of our ongoing operational turnaround plan. "Vital and St John Ambulance have held a longstanding working partnership and our team takes very seriously the background role our radio network plays to help enable the extraordinary frontline ambulance services St John delivers each and every day throughout New Zealand." ENDS For further information please contact: Jason Bull CEO 027-497 4548 John McMahon Chair 021-0914 0236 End CA:00414103 For:VTL Type:MKTUPDTE Time:2023-07-03 11:33:41