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Annual Shareholders Meeting and Director Nomination dates

30/08/2023, 08:49 NZST, GENERAL

Vulcan Steel Limited (Vulcan) ASX/NZX/Media Release 30 August 2023 Vulcan's 2023 Annual Meeting of shareholders and closing date for Director nominations 2023 Annual Meeting of shareholders In accordance with ASX Listing Rule 3.13.1, Vulcan (ASX: VSL, NZX: VSL) advises that its 2023 annual meeting of shareholders (Annual Meeting) will be held at 11:00am (NZT) on Wednesday, 8 November 2023. The venue and further details relating to the Annual Meeting (including details of how to participate virtually) will be provided in the Notice of Meeting. Vulcan intends to provide its Notice of Meeting towards the end of September 2023. The voting form will be released at the same time. Director nomination closing date Nominations for Directors are now being accepted. The closing date for nominations is 5:00pm (NZT) on Tuesday, 19 September 2023. Nominations: o can only be made by shareholders who are entitled to attend and vote at the Annual Meeting; o must be accompanied by the consent, in writing, of the person nominated; and o should contain a brief CV of the nominee. Please send nominations by the advised closing date to: Email - sarah-jane.lawson@vulcan.co Post - Attn: Company Secretary, 29 Neales Road, East Tamaki, Auckland 2013 Shareholder communications To ensure that Shareholders receive the Notice of Meeting (with a personalised link to lodge a proxy vote online) Shareholders are advised to check their details with Vulcan's share registry by contacting Link Market Services on +64 9 375 5998 (in New Zealand) or +61 1300 554 474 (in Australia). ENDS Kar Yue Yeo Investor and media contact Email: karyue.yeo@vulcan.co Phone: +64 9 273 7214 This announcement was authorised by Vulcan's Board of Directors. About Vulcan Founded in 1995, Vulcan is an Australasian-wide industrial product distributor and value-added processor with 72 logistics and processing facilities employing approximately 1,360 staff across the company's Steel and Metals divisions. End CA:00417331 For:VSL Type:GENERAL Time:2023-08-30 08:49:25