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Correction to FY23 Annual Report

31/08/2023, 09:47 NZST, ANNREP

Vulcan Steel Limited (Vulcan) ASX/NZX/Media Release 31 August 2023 Correction to Vulcan's FY23 Annual Report On Tuesday, 29 August 2023, Vulcan (ASX: VSL, NZX: VSL) released its annual report for the financial year ended 30 June 2023 (Annual Report). There was a print omission in the "Adjusted EBITDA NZ$ (excluding significant items)" section of the "Performance highlights" on page 6 of the Annual Report. The year-on-year percentage change has been corrected to "-10%" (rather than "10%"). This error has now been corrected and an updated version of the Annual Report has been released to ASX and NZX, and uploaded to Vulcan's Investor Website - https://investors.vulcan.co/investor-centre/?page=results-centre An extract from the corrected Annual Report is below: [picture attached] Vulcan's FY23 annual result presentation, which was also released on 29 August, contains the correct year-on-year percentage change (so no changes are required to that document). ENDS Kar Yue Yeo Investor and media contact Email: karyue.yeo@vulcan.co Phone: +64 9 273 7214 This announcement was authorised by Vulcan's Board of Directors. About Vulcan Founded in 1995, Vulcan is an Australasian-wide industrial product distributor and value-added processor with 72 logistics and processing facilities employing approximately 1,360 staff across the company's Steel and Metals divisions. End CA:00417399 For:VSL Type:ANNREP Time:2023-08-31 09:47:11