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Greenfern Industries Limited – Market Update

31/08/2023, 13:53 NZST, MKTUPDTE

In its 16 August 2023 update, GFI advised that it expected repairs to its generation equipment to be completed before the end of August. While the majority of the repairs have been completed, GFI is awaiting delivery of a replacement protection unit that will delay a return to operational status. This is expected to be received during September. GFI will update the market when the facility is returned to operational status. On a brighter note, the cultivation of medicinal plants in their first new cultivation room is well underway and are on target for an October harvest. The second new cultivation room has been populated with over 250 plants that will mirror the same production undertaking as the first room. These plants are due for harvest in mid to late November. ENDS For further information, please contact: Dan Casey Managing Director Email dan@gfi.nz End CA:00417454 For:GFI Type:MKTUPDTE Time:2023-08-31 13:53:35