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Greenfern Industries announces Director resignation

04/09/2023, 02:04 Coordinated Universal Time, ADMIN

04 September 2023 Greenfern Industries announces Director resignation. Greenfern Industries Limited ("GFI") announces that Mr Phillip Brown has tendered his resignation as Independent Director of the Board, with effect to take place after the company's ASM on the 29th September. Mr Brown has been an independent Director since 2021 as well as a tenure as Chair of the Board. Chair Marvin Yee said: "On behalf of the Board of Directors and management I would like to sincerely thank Phillip for his invaluable contribution and commitment to GFI. We acknowledge Phillip's reasoning for resignation and respect his decision and directional change. Phillip will remain an investor in GFI but will now focus on family and travel as he relinquishes a number of professional directorships under his watch. The Board wishes Phillip all the best in his future endeavours and thanks him for his time. At this stage the board will remain as is with no planned replacement at this stage for Philip as they maintain a lighter Board model in line with their market size. ENDS For further information, please contact: Dan Casey Managing Director Email dan@gfi.nz End CA:00417623 For:GFI Type:ADMIN Time:2023-09-04 14:04:56