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Rua Notice of 2023 Annual Shareholders’ Meeting

13/09/23, 2:11 am, MEETING

The 2023 Annual Meeting of Rua Bioscience Limited (Rua) will be held virtually via Computershare's online meeting platform at https://meetnow.global/nz at 10.00am (New Zealand time) on 11th October 2023. In a year of huge change, we have decided to hold a virtual-only meeting which will mean it's logistically more straightforward and cost effective. In addition, following the annual shareholder meeting we will be conducting a community engagement day on October 17th at our facility at Ruatorea where so many of our shareholders reside. This will provide investors and the wider community with the opportunity to meet and interact with members of the Board and Management. We will provide further details closer to the time on our web page and social media pages. Attached is the Notice of Meeting, which includes details for proxy voting, the online meeting details and the resolutions for shareholder consideration. ENDS For more information, please visit www.ruabio.com or contact: Paul Naske Chief Executive Officer paul.naske@ruabio.com +64 21 445 154 End CA:00418152 For:RUA Type:MEETING Time:2023-09-13 14:11:07