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GSH 2023 Annual Meeting and Director Nominations

14/09/2023, 20:30 Coordinated Universal Time, MEETING

15 September 2023 2023 Annual Meeting and Director Nominations Good Spirits Hospitality Limited (NZX:GSH) would like to advise that the Company will hold its next Annual Meeting in conjunction with a Special Meeting of Shareholders in October 2023. The time and date, venue and other details relating to the meeting will be advised in the Notice of Meeting to be sent to all shareholders prior to the meeting. As previously announced, the Company has entered into a conditional agreement to sell all the business assets relating to its nine operating venues, and subsequent to the sale will seek a delisting subject to usual NZX conditions. As there are no immediate plans for the Company to commence other cash generating operations, the Board intends to liquidate or de-register the companies within the Group following the sale. Therefore, the Company is not seeking further directors, and no directors are due to retire at the upcoming Annual Meeting. Pursuant to NZX Listing Rule 2.3.2, the Company is accepting nominations for directors of the Company, to be voted on at the Annual Meeting, if any. The closing date for nominations is Friday, 29 September 2023. All nominations should be received by 5.00pm on that date. Director nominations: o may only be made by shareholders who are entitled to attend and vote at the Annual Meeting; o must be accompanied by the consent, in writing, of the person nominated; and o should contain a brief curriculum vitae of the person nominated. Please send all director nominations to: Company Secretary Good Spirits Hospitality Limited PO Box 1703, Greenlane Auckland 1546 Email: corporate@gsh.co.nz End CA:00418280 For:GSH Type:MEETING Time:2023-09-15 08:30:22