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AUCKLAND 24 OCTOBER 2023: The Board of Directors of Good Spirits Hospitality Limited (NZX: GSH) has determined that the following directors continue to be Independent Directors for the purposes of Listing Rule 2.6: Mr John Seton Mr Carl Carrington Mr Matt Adams has been determined not to be an Independent Director due to his association with Brew on Quay Limited, the proposed purchaser of assets from GSH and its subsidiaries under the transaction announced on 2 August 2023. Mr Adams continues as the chairperson of GSH. ENDS For further information, contact: Company Secretary Good Spirits Hospitality Limited corporate@gsh.co.nz About Good Spirits Hospitality Limited: Good Spirits Hospitality is a NZX Main Board-listed investment company focusing in the Hospitality sector (NZX: GSH). Good Spirits Hospitality Limited owns and operates hospitality venues in New Zealand's North Island, providing places to connect with others and world class standards to provide lasting and memorable experiences to our guests and customers. Good People * Good Times * Good Spirits. End CA:00420413 For:GSH Type:ADMIN Time:2023-10-24 13:01:39