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Auckland, 1 November 2023: Good Spirits Hospitality Limited is pleased to advise that the sale of its business assets to Brew on Quay Limited has been successfully completed. The Company will continue to work on meeting its post-completion obligations in respect of the sale, as well as obtaining the Binding Ruling (as described in the notice of meeting) and, subject to that and meeting the solvency test in the Companies Act 1993, the Company still intends to make a distribution as advised in previous announcements. The Company will keep the market updated as to these aforementioned activities, including the planned eventual delisting providing at least 5 business days' advance notice of the exact delisting date. END Company Secretary Good Spirits Hospitality Limited Email: corporate@gsh.co.nz End CA:00420895 For:GSH Type:TRANSACT Time:2023-11-02 08:30:11