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Notice of Half Year Result Announcement

2/11/23, 11:36 pm, GENERAL

Arvida Group Limited's half year results to 30 September 2023 will be released to the NZX on 28 November 2023. Jeremy Nicoll, Chief Executive Officer and Mark Wells, Chief Financial Officer will hold a briefing at 11.00am (NZT) on that same day. Analysts and investors can attend the briefing by pre-registering using the following link: https://register.vevent.com/register/BI310199b79fed48edb9a9cede34de7c44 Following registration, you will be provided with conference call details. Participants should therefore complete their registration at least 5 minutes before the briefing commences. - ENDS - End CA:00421042 For:ARV Type:GENERAL Time:2023-11-03 12:36:13