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Auckland, 7 November 2023: Good Spirits Hospitality Limited advised on 1 November 2023 that the Company will keep the market updated as to its post completion activities, including its intention to make a distribution. The Notice of Meeting provided an indicative timetable of a Record Date 8 November 2023 and proposed Payment Date of 5 December 2023. Under the NZX Listing Rules, the Company is required to give at least five business days' notice of the Record Date and, pursuant to s125 of the Companies Act 1993, the Record Date is not to be more than 20 business days before the Payment Date. The Company will provide the Record Date when it becomes certain that criteria for making the proposed distribution are met: the outcome of the Binding Ruling sought (as described in the Notice of Meeting); and meeting the solvency test per the Companies Act 1993. END Company Secretary Good Spirits Hospitality Limited Email: corporate@gsh.co.nz End CA:00421155 For:GSH Type:CORPACT Time:2023-11-07 08:30:19