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POT Capital Change Notice – Amended

22/11/23, 1:16 am, SECISSUE

Please note that the attached POT Capital Change Notice is an amended version of the one released earlier this morning. The following is the list of changes made under "Section 2". Original text: "Number issued/acquired/redeemed" Reason for acquisition and specific authority for acquisition (the reason for change must be identified here) "Employee Share Purchase Scheme" In the case of an acquisition of shares, whether those shares are to be held as treasury stock "No" Amended text: "Number acquired". Reason for acquisition and specific authority for acquisition (the reason for change must be identified here) "For settlement of future Executive Long Term Incentive Share Scheme obligations" In the case of an acquisition of shares, whether those shares are to be held as treasury stock "Yes". The correct version is attached. Simon Kebbell Chief Financial Officer End CA:00422136 For:POT Type:SECISSUE Time:2023-11-22 14:16:41