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Annual Shareholders’ Meeting Results

24/11/23, 3:41 am, GENERAL

THE WAREHOUSE GROUP ANNUAL SHAREHOLDERS' MEETING RESULTS At the Annual Shareholders' Meeting of The Warehouse Group Limited held today, shareholders were asked to vote on three resolutions, which were supported by the Board. As required by NZX Listing Rule 6.1, all voting was conducted by a poll. The resolutions passed by shareholders were: 1. That Dean Hamilton be re-elected as a director of the company. 2. That Robert Tindall be re-elected as a director of the company. 3. That the directors are authorised to fix the fees and expenses of PricewaterhouseCoopers for the ensuing year. Details of the total number of votes cast in person or by a proxy holder are: 1. That Dean Hamilton be re-elected as a director of the company. For: 104,618,954 (99.54%) Against: 482,119 (0.46%) Abstain: 87,416 2. That Robert Tindall be re-elected as a director of the company. For: 104,200,529 (99.13%) Against: 909,885(0.87%) Abstain: 78,075 3. That the directors are authorised to fix the fees and expenses of PricewaterhouseCoopers for the ensuing year. For: 104,728,313 (99.71%) Against: 301,233 (0.29%) Abstain: 158,943 ENDS Authorised by: Erin Vercoe, General Counsel and Company Secretary erin.vercoe@thewarehouse.co.nz +64 212 444 543 End CA:00422365 For:WHS Type:GENERAL Time:2023-11-24 16:41:44