Title | Date | Type | Flag |
D&O Ongoing Disclosure Notice | 4/12/2024, 14:41 NZDT4/12, 14:41 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
D&O Ongoing Disclosure Notice | 4/12/2024, 14:32 NZDT4/12, 14:32 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
SPH Notice - Forsyth Barr Investment Management Limited | 27/11/2024, 15:21 NZDT27/11, 15:21 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
A renewed focus on execution | 22/11/2024, 08:30 NZDT22/11, 08:30 | HALFYR | Material or Prescribed announcementsP |
Notice of Result Announcement | 4/11/2024, 11:58 NZDT4/11, 11:58 | GENERAL | — |
Capital Change Notice | 15/10/2024, 10:00 NZDT15/10, 10:00 | SECISSUE | — |
SPH Notice - ANZ New Zealand Investments Limited | 24/09/2024, 16:22 NZST24/9, 16:22 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
Oceania announces governance changes | 3/09/2024, 14:26 NZST3/9, 14:26 | ADMIN | — |
SPH Notice - Forsyth Barr Investment Management Limited | 30/08/2024, 15:36 NZST30/8, 15:36 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
D&O Ongoing Disclosure Notice | 28/08/2024, 08:30 NZST28/8, 08:30 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
Oceania announces Executive Team changes | 20/08/2024, 08:30 NZST20/8, 08:30 | ADMIN | — |
SPH Notice - Forsyth Barr Investment Management Limited | 31/07/2024, 08:39 NZST31/7, 08:39 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
ASX Appendix 2A (cross filed) | 12/07/2024, 16:26 NZST12/7, 16:26 | SECISSUE | — |
Capital Change Notice | 11/07/2024, 15:03 NZST11/7, 15:03 | SECISSUE | — |
D&O Ongoing Disclosure Notice | 3/07/2024, 08:36 NZST3/7, 08:36 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
Meeting Results Announcement | 27/06/2024, 16:12 NZST27/6, 16:12 | MEETING | — |
Annual Meeting - Presentation | 27/06/2024, 13:04 NZST27/6, 13:04 | MEETING | Material or Prescribed announcementsP |
Annual Meeting - Chair Address | 27/06/2024, 12:58 NZST27/6, 12:58 | MEETING | Material or Prescribed announcementsP |
Annual Meeting - CEO Address | 27/06/2024, 12:47 NZST27/6, 12:47 | MEETING | Material or Prescribed announcementsP |
D&O Ongoing Disclosure Notice | 26/06/2024, 11:51 NZST26/6, 11:51 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
D&O Ongoing Disclosure Notice | 20/06/2024, 16:04 NZST20/6, 16:04 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
FY2024 Climate-Related Disclosures Report | 18/06/2024, 12:22 NZST18/6, 12:22 | GENERAL | — |
Annual Report | 30/05/2024, 16:08 NZST30/5, 16:08 | GENERAL | — |
Notice of Meeting | 27/05/2024, 14:49 NZST27/5, 14:49 | MEETING | — |
ASX Appendix 2A (cross filed) | 24/05/2024, 15:50 NZST24/5, 15:50 | SECISSUE | — |
Ongoing Disclosure Notice | 24/05/2024, 15:26 NZST24/5, 15:26 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
Ongoing Disclosure Notice | 24/05/2024, 15:19 NZST24/5, 15:19 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
Capital Change Notice | 24/05/2024, 14:52 NZST24/5, 14:52 | SECISSUE | — |
Appointment of Chief Executive Officer | 24/05/2024, 08:30 NZST24/5, 08:30 | ADMIN | Material or Prescribed announcementsP |
Annual Report | 24/05/2024, 08:30 NZST24/5, 08:30 | ANNREP | Material or Prescribed announcementsP |
Oceania Continues to Deliver to Strategy | 24/05/2024, 08:30 NZST24/5, 08:30 | FLLYR | Material or Prescribed announcementsP |
Annual Meeting and Director Nominations | 9/05/2024, 12:47 NZST9/5, 12:47 | MEETING | — |
Notice of Result Announcement | 7/05/2024, 08:30 NZST7/5, 08:30 | GENERAL | — |
Capital Change Notice | 30/04/2024, 08:30 NZST30/4, 08:30 | SECISSUE | — |
FY2024 Market Update | 15/04/2024, 08:30 NZST15/4, 08:30 | MKTUPDTE | Material or Prescribed announcementsP |
SPH Notice – Forsyth Barr Investment Management Limited | 3/04/2024, 16:58 NZDT3/4, 16:58 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
Oceania leadership transition | 26/02/2024, 09:59 NZDT26/2, 09:59 | ADMIN | Material or Prescribed announcementsP |
SPH Notice – ANZ New Zealand Investments Limited | 23/02/2024, 14:20 NZDT23/2, 14:20 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
Oceania Healthcare Limited – Change of contact details | 16/02/2024, 13:24 NZDT16/2, 13:24 | ADMIN | — |